·列间距: 2.8mm
·行间距: 5.1mm
connect the electric power supply. the line with white sign is+12vpress aneditbutton, it shows a screen as follows:
note:pmeans the memory location.p:1…p:5
to change the memory location,press either prev button or next button until the screen shows the appropriate memory location. press clr to clear all the message. pressenterto make your confirmation.
when completed the selection of memory location,a speed screen is shown in the following:
note:sp means the speed of the text message.sp:1(fast)…3(slow)
to change the speed,press eitherprevbutton ornextbutton until the screen shows the appropriate speed.pressenterto make your confirmation.
when completed the change of speed,an editing texr message screen is shown in the following
by pressingshiftbutton to change different surface on aa0!
by pressingprev/nextbuttons to choose different kinds of letter.
by pressingleft/rightbuttons to change the cursor position.
by pressinginsert/clrbuttons to insert/clear letters.
it can input 120 characters total,the full system character as below:
“abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789!@#$%&()+′′?,/= - ‹›^.;:\\{}∽[]ε”
finishing editing the message,press enter to confirm the message.the entered message is shown for an instant